Our Stories

Charesse’s Story
Moms can come here for help before the baby is born and forever after that. I’ve learned so much from the classes, information to use in everyday life. There are so many resources if you need anything. I’m so grateful for The Treehouse
Ana’s Story
Hi, my name is Ana I am a Treehouse mom and I have 4 children ages 11, 7, 6 and 3. I am very thankful for The Treehouse, because thanks to them, I can say I have become a better person, a better wife and most importantly a better mother to my children, and I learned so much in all the classes they have available, I love going to the Bible study they have every Thursday because when we talk about God it always brings so much joy, love and peace to my heart… Thank you all and God Bless You!!

Ana’s Story
Hi, my name is Ana I am a Treehouse mom and I have 4 children ages 11, 7, 6 and 3. I am very thankful for The Treehouse, because thanks to them, I can say I have become a better person, a better wife and most importantly a better mother to my children, and I learned so much in all the classes they have available, I love going to the Bible study they have every Thursday because when we talk about God it always brings so much joy, love and peace to my heart… Thank you all and God Bless You!!

Rosa’s Story
Definitely these ladies are here to help you and not to judge you. I never tire of thinking how much they have done for me and my children. I have been part of The Treehouse for 5 years. They have children’s stuff at a good price and my older son loves to go for the toys. I will never forget the day I did not have formula for my baby and I stopped by. They told me they were temporarily closed due to the pandemic, but they asked me what they could do for me. With a smile that comforted me they gave me formula, the tears came to my eyes and I thanked God even more. I don’t know what I would have done without them. Thank you ladies again. God bless you all.
Priscilla’s Story
The Treehouse has been a life changing experience for me. The classes are extremely helpful and overall I enjoy the connections and friendships.
Thank you Dana, Jaleen and Cristin and everyone that makes The Treehouse a great place for moms and babies.

Priscilla’s Story
The Treehouse has been a life changing experience for me. The classes are extremely helpful and overall I enjoy the connections and friendships.
Thank you Dana, Jaleen and Cristin and everyone that makes The Treehouse a great place for moms and babies.